Wednesday, November 07, 2007


In the Presence of My Enemies, by Gracia Burnham, is the gripping account of the kidnapping of American missionaries and their year of terror in the Philippine jungle. Kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group with ties to Osama bin Laden, the Burnhams were snatched away from friends and family and thrust into a life on the run in the Philppine jungle, where they faced near starvation, constant exhaustion, frequent gun battles, coldhearted murder and intense soul-searching about a God who sometimes seemed to have forgotten them. In this heart wrenching story you will see "the not why an all-powerful God might choose to subject a man to evil, but how a man, with God's help responds to evil..." (Non-Fiction 921 Burnham) This is the November 2007 selection for the Faith-Inspired Book Club!

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