Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A Jew Must Die by Jacques Chessex


This title completely and utterly offended me when I glanced at it. My curiosity of why Monsieur Chessex titled this book, A Jew Must Die, stupefied me. It compelled me to find out what could possibly be on these few pages so here we begin.....

 The author, Jacques Chessex, was only eight at the time, and awakens the dark secrets of Payerne, Switzerland in his novel, A Jew Must Die. 

Agitator, Philippe Lugrin a Nazi sympathizer gathered a band of vagabonds to do the unthinkable; a plot to murder Arthur Bloch, a Jew, a few days before Hitler's Birthday as a tribute to the Nazi Empire.  Of course, Mr. Lugrin didn't want to do the dirty work so he sent Ferdinand Ischi to lead the heinous crime. It was so well-written I felt as if I was standing in the room watching this evil act. Regrettably, this is one of many true stories of what the SS regime and Nazi sympathizers did to innocent people who were not of a "pure race".  This book is an eye-opener to Europe's dark history.

     On his grave stone it reads,  GOTT WEISS WARUM 

(God knows Why).

Dani Green

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