Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Desolation Mountain by William Kent Krueger

William Kent Krueger, award winning author, writes of two main characters in his novels: Cork O'Connor and Henry Meloux. Desolation Mountain is his latest book featuring Cork O'Connor.

This story takes place in northern Minnesota near the Iron Lake Reservation, home to the Ojibwe people. The Ojibwe believe this area is cursed. It is a popular place for hikers, however, due to the rugged terrain and gorgeous country. Many photographers also love it here.

When a private plane crashes into the mountain, Cork's son Stephen and a few Ojibwe men are first on the scene. They discover that there is a very important person on this plane, but before they can determine the reason for the crash, the FBI dismisses them and takes over.

Stephen O'Connor has had previous visions of something huge taking place and tries to determine if this incident is connected to his vision. The plot thickens as Cork O'Connor discovers that Bo Thorson, a private security consultant, is also investigating this crash.

Why the FBI?
Why the private security consultant?
Why excuse the Ojibwe people and the O'Connors?
Who was the important person on the plane?

If you find this novel exciting and interesting, Krueger has many others to keep you in suspense.

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