Friday, June 28, 2019

Review: Alice Isn't Dead

Alice Isn't Dead Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Keisha doesn’t want to believe it when her missing wife, Alice, is declared dead. Six months after the funeral, she sees Alice on TV in the background of a news report. If Alice isn’t dead, why hasn’t she come home or called? Keisha gets a job as a long-haul trucker with Alice’s former employer and begins crisscrossing the country to find her. A disturbing encounter at a diner leads Keisha into a dark and terrifying underground world of people-eating monsters, government conspiracies, helpful yet mysterious Oracles, and even friendship. Along the way, Keisha learns to work with her crippling anxiety so that she can continue the good fight for her wife and her country.

This book is based on the podcast of the same name, but knowledge of the podcast is not needed to enjoy this creepy, beautiful, and ultimately hope-filled book. The audiobook, voiced by podcast narrator Jasika Nicole, is a special treat. A great read for fans of TV’s “Stranger Things.”

View all my reviews

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