Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Review: The Loyal One

The Loyal One The Loyal One by Shelley Shepard Gray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In Walnut Creek, there is a group that call themselves "The Eight." They are a mix of Amish, Mennonite, and English. They lead different lives, some in the modern world and others in the traditions and rules of the generations before them. The Eight grew up together, went through hardships as well as accomplishments, and celebrated when the time was right.

Katie lives in the family home, which needs lots of repairs. Her parents had kept the outside in pretty good shape but did nothing to the inside. Her thoughts are to turn it into a bed and breakfast. A friend of Katie's, Harley, does construction around the little town, and Katie contacts him regarding the remodel. It seems there had been some friction between Harley and his former girlfriend Melody with Katie, but Katie wants the situation talked out and dissolved before she and Harley can work together on the remodel.

This story shows how love and support, pain and forgiveness, friendship and grief have held this community together over the years, and they have grown from it.

This is the second book in the Walnut Creek series, and I would recommend also reading the first one, The Patient One.

View all my reviews

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